IT Band Fix for Runners

IT Band syndrome (iliotibial band syndrome) is a very common issue among endurance athletes such as runners, cyclists and triathletes. It can be stubborn and debilitating enough to stop someone from...

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What is Physical Therapy?

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy (PT) improves the way you move. We focus on  getting you back to enjoying your life, work and/or favorite athletic activity. At Ironhorse Physical Therapy and Pilates, it’s...

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Treatment Philosophy

Ironhorse Physical Therapy & Pilates combines the best practices of a Licensed Physical Therapist with those of a trained pilates professional. Victoria emphasizes one-on-one, personalized care....

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What is Pilates?

Pilates (pronounced “puh-LAH-tees”) principles and exercises complement physical therapy and are extremely useful for the rehabilitation of injuries. The best person to see if you have injuries...

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What is a Rotator Cuff?

Does your shoulder hurt when you swim faster or increase your distance? Do you have pain or trouble doing full pushups, overhead snatches, presses, or pullups? Can’t take your or bra on/off without...

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Are You Ready To Run? Test Yourself!

Did you know that your lower leg, calf and foot muscles have to withstand 6-8x your bodyweight? Got achilles tendinitis, achilles problems, shin splints or plantar fascitis? The feet are the 1st to...

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